Dragon Tree (Dracaena Draco) Care and Growing Guide

dragon tree plants dracaena draco

It is not difficult to grow some species of dracaena at home, but there are varieties, which in general, you can admire only in the wild. Dracaena Draco (Dragon Tree) belongs to these species.

Dracaena Draco tree resembles a huge cactus with a powerful trunk and large branches, ending in sharp leaves, in the rosette of which there are flowers with a certain number of seeds. Inside, just like in the human circulatory system, Dracaena Draco contains red resin resembling blood. And as this plant since ancient times occupied large areas on the Canaries, it is also called Dracena Canary.

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Mature trees may have a wide five-metre trunk 20 meters in height. The inhabitants of the Canary Islands consider Dracaena Draco sacred, and its resin as a remedy. The plant grows very slowly, but it is characterized by longevity. Dracaena Draco's age is determined by cycles: youth, reproductive and wilting. In the stage of reproduction, Dracaena Dragon Tree forms a large number of seeds for further reproduction, and in old age the tree remains almost without leaves, it does not bloom, and red resin is released from its branches — ”dragon blood.”

Biological study of Dragon Trees explains the color and consistency of the resin, it contains natural pigments draco rubin and draco carmine. Dracaena Canary is used not only for medicinal and decorative purposes, but also for industrial purposes. Due to the content of a large amount of fiber in the leaves of Dragon Tree, they are used in the preparation of ropes, straps, brushes and other appliances for everyday life. From the resin of Dracaena Draco, people produce paint and varnish products and medicinal preparations. Today, precisely because of the huge demand, Dragon Tree is rare and protected.

Dracaena Draco Species

Close relatives of the Dragon Tree are other species of dracaena, which differ in stem part, leaves, size of flowers and seeds. They can be purchased in tree nurseries and grown at home, which does not require special effort and care.

Dragon Tree varieties include:

  • Dracaena Marginata. The green tree grows up to 3 meters. The trunk can branch into two or three large branches, and on each of them there are long, densely growing, narrow leaves dropping downwards. A light band runs along the outer edge of the leaves. This variety of Dracaena Dragon Tree remotely resembles a palm tree and there are other types of this plant: Tricolor, Bicolor, Magenta.

  • Dracaena Reflexa. The leaves of this Dragon Tree type grow directly from the stem, they are brightly green with a yellow stripe and tilted towards the root. When the plant is watered and fertilized in time, its leaves joyfully rise up.

  • Dracaena Godseffiana. This plant is distinguished by beauty and quick shoot formation. Leaves of this Dragon Tree species are oval and spotted, they densely cover the shrub. Such dracaena is the decoration of any house, office and public place.

Dragon Tree (Dracaena Draco): Plant Care Guide

Dragon Tree, or Dracaena Draco, is a perennial plant that has been actively cultivated as an indoor plant for more than 100 years. In the process of growth, it forms a woody trunk crowned by a dense bundle of long green leaves. It makes the plant look like a miniature palm tree and allows it to be used in the design of flats, offices, shopping centers, etc.


Dragon Tree is light-loving, so a pot with it should be placed on windowsills from the southeast or southwest side. When growing on the southern window sill, it is necessary to control that the leaves do not get direct sunlight. The length of the daylight for Dracaena Draco should be at least 10 hours a day. In summer, it is recommended to take the plant outside.

In winter, Dragon Tree may lack light. In this case, its leaves can turn yellow and wilt. To compensate for the deficit, you should equip additional lighting, using grow lamps.

To organize care for Dracaena Draco, it should be borne in mind that drafts and cold are the enemies of the plant. Dragon Tree can suffer from dust, it begins to dry and dump its leaves.


In the summer heat, you need to water Dragon Tree 4 times a week. With the onset of winter, moisten the soil in the pot should be once in every 2 weeks. For watering, it is necessary to use filtered or well-settled water.


Dragon Tree is a heat-loving plant. Throughout the year, the temperature for Dragon Tree should be +20°C +28°C. If the air temperature drops to +15°C, watering of the plant should be stopped for preservation.

Air Humidity

In nature, Dracaena Draco grows in regions where rains are rare. Most of the moisture the plant receives from the air. When the room is dusty and dry, the leaves of Dracaena Draco begin to dry out.

To maintain the necessary humidity, you need to regularly ventilate the room and periodically wipe the plant with a damp cloth. You also need to place a container of water near the pots. The liquid will evaporate from it, maintaining the humidity of the air.


Dragon Tree should be fed 2 times a month in spring and summer, as well as once every 30 days in winter. For this purpose, complex garden fertilizers containing all the necessary nutrients are suitable.

Soil and pots

Dracaena Draco grows better on well-drained soils with high levels of air permeability.

To make a soil suitable for Dracaena Draco in equal proportions, take:

  • fine gravel

  • clay

  • peat

  • leaf humus

  • pumice

Mix all components thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

For planting Dragon Tree pots, the height of which is not less than 15 cm, and a diameter of more than 10 cm are suitable. In the future, the plant will need to be replanted every year, increasing the volume of capacity. At the bottom of the pot, there must be a large number of holes to remove excess moisture.


Cutting Dracaena

Since Dragon Tree grows slowly, it blooms only ten years after planting, and some species require an even larger period, especially if the plant is grown at home. Dracaena Draco propagates vegetatively, that is, by pollination. For indoor plants, this is done artificially, using a brush of soft villus. At the same time, it is important to note that from the seeds obtained at home, a plant of another variety can grow, with no flowering.

Some species of Dracaena Draco in the mature period give fruits of red or orange color, within which there are seeds. They can be used to plant Dracaena Draco at home. It is better to do this procedure in early spring. To do this, clean the seeds by soft tissues and plant them in the soil, which can be bought or made by yourself. The soil should consist of peat and sand. If you buy seeds in a store, then before planting they need to be soaked in a biological growth stimulant.

In the moistened soil, it is necessary to deepen the seed by 1 cm from the surface in a special container with holes for drainage. Cover the surface of the container with dense paper, film or glass, which creates the effect of a greenhouse. The place for germination of seeds should be warm and light, but without direct exposure to sunlight. The time of their germination is different, from 2 to 6 months. During this period, it is necessary to provide proper care: watering, airing and a temperature of about 25°C. When the first seedlings appear, they can be replanted into a pot about 5 cm in size.

In the absence of fruit from a mature plant, the care after flowering of Dracaena Draco is to cut a flower, leaving a small stem, disinfecting it with activated carbon. In the future, this stem begins to branch out and grow. In March or April, young plants can be replanted. Dracaena Draco needs mineral fertilizing. Carry it out twice a month. At the same time, use ready-made mixtures specially created for such indoor plants.

Diseases and pests

Dracaena Reflexa Problems

Spider mites can produce a detrimental effect for Dragon Tree, as for other plants. In such situations, the plant needs special care, namely, spraying and wiping dracaena with cleansers and insecticides.

Pruning of Dragon tree

To obtain Dragon Tree branches and the formation of a crown, pruning of the entire top is practiced. The place of the cut must be covered with polyethylene for 30 days. The cut part of Dragon Tree is used to obtain cuttings. It is best to conduct this procedure in the autumn.


Remember that Dracaena Draco or Dragon tree is toxic to both cats and dogs. Do not allow your pets chew the leaves of the plant. It can cause weakness, vomiting and indigestion. At the first signs of poisoning, immediately bring your pet to a veterinarian. See more about pets and the effect toxins have here at the ASPCA.

Useful properties of Dracaena Draco

Dracaena Draco is believed to have powerful energy and some magical properties.

This plant:

  • improves well-being

  • gives strength to solve problems

  • cleans thoughts

  • relieves skin diseases

  • attracts luck in financial affairs

  • strengthens love and friendships, etc.

Feng Shui endows dracaena with the ability to bring happiness into a person's life. This plant is a good gift for any holiday. According to this theory, the pot with this flower should be located in the zone of wealth, i.e. on the east and south sides of the house.

Dragon Tree - Where It is Used

Dragon Tree has pronounced healing properties, and is also used in industry and crop production.

In crop production

Dracaena Draco is bred for further sale as ornamental plants. Less often, their leaves are used to make mulch, created to protect the soil from drying and erosion.

In industry

In industry, plant leaves are used to produce coarse fiber, which is the raw material for the manufacture of high-strength ropes. Dracaena Draco sap is used to create natural paints and varnishes.

In medicine

Folk medicine of several countries in Africa and Asia actively uses Dracaena Draco sap. It is used to suppress the manifestations of diabetes mellitus, dermatitis and cancer.

In addition, the sap of Dragon Tree is used to treat pathologies of the digestive tract and fungal infections. In folk medicine, dracaena is used to eliminate inflammatory gynecological diseases and postpartum bleeding. In China, the sap is used to eliminate stomach ulcers.

To the commonest of dracaena types belong:

About the Author

My name is Michael Bauer,

I have been growing and taking care of plants for 20 years. My dream has become a reality. I've had many difficulties along the way, but my love for our favorite plants has really helped me.

So join us!

dragon tree dracaena draco
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dracaena draco plants